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Click Here to view a study on Advancing the Understanding of Special Education and Therapeutic Needs of Children with Neurodegenerative Disorders

Start at least 1 year in advance of your child starting school

With small kids use UV beads to educate about UV

Talk with school about IEP or 504 plan for your child

Extra days to complete assignments if child has eye problems

Make a video about your child and show to classroom

Bring lunch in the classroom if there is not an inside cafeteria- child has 1-2 friends allowed in with them

Spend indoor recess with a buddy

Nintendo Wii for indoor recess- exercise activity

Have emergency bag ready for child

Have UV gear follow child

Have extra UV gear for backup

Have an aide for your child if needed

One designated person assigned to your child for emergency procedures and have a backup trained

Fire alarms, field trips are things to be planned for

Get out of school 5 minutes early to avoid crowds and waiting for pick up in the sun.

2 tinted buses with AC- in case one breaks down

Every teacher has an emergency kit and blanked

Resource teacher (campus officer/principle) has a tinted vehicle that child can sit in for an emergency.

Use Teddington Trust bear and book to educated other kids

Call school nurse to meet with before school starts

Parent to speak at back to school night to educate school community about XP

Have school tint all windows- Child deserves education in least restrictive environment

Make sure to talk with maintance staff to notify you if a window has been broken and replaced- Window will need to be tinted

BE involved with your child ask how school whet that day.  If concerns help your child advocate for themselves

UV safe education or special need education sometimes can be paid by public school district.  Check out what is around you that is best suited for your child.